Let's Join Hands for the World
priority aim:
''Fighting against climate change for a clean environment''
Small scale project (15 months) 3 partners-schools
Our objectives selected with our project partners regarding "combating environment and climate change and developing key competencies, new learning and teaching methods & approaches- to develop environmental responsibility awareness in students, teachers, parents & society
- to contribute to the professional development of our teachers - one of the priorities of the EU- on environmental education with experience gained in the international environment
- to raise disadvantaged participants with different gender, language & culture as environmentally conscious European citizens with an inclusive approach
- to gain environmentally sensitive, permanent & positive behavioral changes with different technics & methods
- to ensure that individuals take active roles in solving problems
- to teach waste management, to control the rapidly increasing environmental problems, to attract attention to alternative green transportation vehicles
- to create belonging to Europe & the EU by enabling them to benefit from the opportunities offered by the EU to individuals
- to train students as environmentally literate European citizens to be aware of environmental problems & know how to solve them
- to develop our partners' institutional capacities & internationalize them as project-based institutions providing highquality education
Outcomes we want to realise
Fighting against climate change for a clean environment is in the working area of all our project partners like EU. Training students as environmentally literate European citizens and developing our partners' institutional capacities as project-based institutions providing highquality education.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project number: 2021-1-EL01-KA210-SCH-000027293