Mobility in North Macedonia Kicevo

'' Model Building, creative thinking ''

24 April 2023 - 28 April 2023

Programme meeting

''Oou Dr. Vladimir Polezinoski'' school in Kicevo in North Macedonia is the hosting partner-school of 5 days learning, teaching and training activities from 24 April 2022 - 28 April 2023. 4 teachers from Dimotiko Scholeio Plateos Imathias, Greece and 4 teachers from Konya, Turkiye worked in mixed teamwork to experience new teaching methods and collaborative approaches on environmental issues, creating awareness of European citizenship and  improving 21st century skills. 


Welcoming event at school 

Traditional dances, costumes, foods, and knowing the culture of our neighbors

The school : let's get to know the school that hosts us

Model Building : renewable energy (wind turbine & solar energy) 

The activity aims to develop students' design thinking, critical thinking, to cultivate construction skills in the context of the search for solutions to contemporary environmental problems related to climate change. How renewable energy sources can be utilized taking into account the special characteristics of the place.

Workshop for teachers: ''Climate Change''

Greenhouse Effect 

Learning scenario for 3rd grade students

How the teacher helps young students to understand a complex phenomenon such as the greenhouse effect using new technologies, cooperative learning and drama.

Workshop for teachers: ''Creative  thinking  &  writing''

Quizes, questionnaires

Also you can read the results here:

Evaluation of new technologies in the lesson plans

Evaluation of students' projects

You can read all the materials of the activities in the padlet below

Conference in Eco Logic 

Conference for teachers in Eco Logic in Skopje. Eco Logic is a NGO about Model Building and renewable energies. 

Certificate ceremony 

Cultural Routes

During 5 days of mobility in Kicevo teachers visited  the Kale park at the city of Kicevo, they were guided to the old town of Ohrid, they visited the ancient theater, the temple of Sophia of God, the oldest Slavic University, they toured to the old bazaar, to the monastery of the Virgin Mary, they visited the city of Skopje, the old railway station, the monument of Mother Teresa.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project number: 2021-1-EL01-KA210-SCH-000027293